Financial Policy
Forms & Insurance

We will need to obtain your complete insurance information 48 hours BEFORE your child’s appointment. You can fill out & submit the forms online from our online forms page. Click on forms and then click on new patient registration to start. This process ensures smooth processing of the necessary paperwork and an efficient appointment. Please be aware that without this information you may need to plan for a longer appointment time, as we do need to properly process all the needed paperwork and research your insurance benefits.
As a courtesy to our patients, we process and bill your dental insurance on your behalf for services provided at our office. Please keep in mind that we will need to have your COMPLETE insurance information, and forms filled in FULL, for us to be able to accurately give you treatment estimates and also to be able to bill your insurance properly. We do require that the information you provide us is ACCURATE AND UP-TO-DATE for us to be able to properly process any insurance claims you may have. Thank you for your assistance in advance. Please keep in mind that all payments are due at the time of services.
We thank you in advance for your assistance. We look forward to seeing you.
Have a wonderful day,
Laleh Vakili D.M.D.